
“Big Loans to Small Businesses: Predicting Winners and Losers in an Entrepreneurial Lending Experimentwith Gharad Bryan and Dean Karlan, (October 2023) conditionally accepted at the American Economic Review


“Is It Who You Are or What You Get? Comparing the Impacts of Loans and Grants for Microenterprise Development
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, forthcoming, with Bruno Crepon and Mohamed El Komi


Exporting and firm performance: Evidence from a randomized experiment.” 

The Quarterly Journal of Economics2017, (132.2) ,551-615 
with David Atkin and Amit Khandelwal, (Editor’s Choice) 


PDF; DataSlides
Forbes, Council of Economic Advisors, Bloomberg, Trade Talks Podcast


Microfinance’s Transformational Potential: Looking Beyond Average Treatment Effects
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, forthcoming, with Ronald Cueva and Jamin Speer


“Discrimination Against Women in Hiring
with Jamin Speer and Andrew Weaver, conditionally accepted at Economic Development and Cultural Change


“What Do Jobseekers Want? Comparing Methods to Estimate Reservation Wages and the Value of Job Attributes”
Journal of Development Economics, 2022, (159) with Brian Feld and Abdelrahman Nagy

Connections, Referrals, and Hiring Outcomes: Evidence from an Egyptian Establishment Survey
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2022, (204), 342-355, with Jamin Speer and Andrew Weaver


The Dangers of the Double-Bottom Line: A Poverty Targeting Experiment Misses Both TargetsJournal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2019, with Dean Karlan and Jonathan Zinman

PDF; Data

“Training and Subsidies vs. Pay for Results in Spurring Digital
Marketing Take-up and Small Firm Growth”

Journal of Development Economics, 2021, (Registered Report) with David McKenzie and Aminur Rahman


“Increasing Financial Inclusion in the Muslim World: Evidence from an Islamic Finance Marketing Experiment”
The World Bank Economic Review, 2021, (35.2), 376-397

with Dean Karlan and Nour Shammout

PDF; Data


Measuring Productivity: Lessons from Tailored Surveys and Productivity Benchmarking.”
AEA: Papers and Proceedings, 2019, (109), 444-449
with David Atkin and Amit Khandelwal

PDF; Data


Follow the money not the cash: Comparing methods for identifying consumption and investment responses to a liquidity shock 
Journal of Development Economics, 2016, (121), 11-23
with Dean Karlan and Jonathan Zinman

PDF; Data


Bank-Insured RoSCA for Microfinance:
Experimental Evidence in Poor Egyptian Villages

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2014,S56-73 
with Mahmoud El-Gamal, Mohamed El-Komi and Dean Karlan


Working Papers

“The Demand for Mobility: Evidence from an Experiment with Uber Riderswith Peter Christensen, (May 2023) revise and resubmit at Journal of Political Economy


“Overcoming Youth Unemployment in Egypt: Randomized Evaluations Showcase the Promise of Active Labor Market Programs” with Ahmed El-Sayed and Kevin Hempel (October 2018)


“Occupational Choice under Credit and Information Constraints” (Dormant, January 2014)


Works in Progress

“Intensifying vs. Targeting Support: Evidence from a Job Training Experiment” with Bruno Crépon, Noha Fadlalmawla and Reham Rizk

“Improving Labor Market Outcomes with Job Fairs” with Bruno Crépon and Mona Said

“Supply vs. Demand in E-Commerce” with Aidan Coville and Caio Piza

“Expanding Access to Finance through Micro-Equity” with Kareem Haggag